Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to decor paper snowflakes for glass wall

to create snowflakes using toothpaste.

Paper snowflake slightly moisten and stick on mirrors. Moisture around the snowflakes wet cloth.



Small amount of toothpaste diluted with water.

The first spray are too large (= ugly), so they need somewhere to shake, and then spray on the mirror.


Wait a little while dry up and unstick snowflake.


Toothpaste is necessary to take the white, no color bands.
Four-sided snowflake.
Четырех угольные снежинки складываем и вырезаем.
Print your favorite snowflake in the upper right corner (1), bend horizontally (2), after the bend in the vertical (3). After the bend along the line indicated in figure (3) and embed all the shaded areas (4-5). Gently open the folded paper and iron (you can iron) (6). All our snowflake ready.
001hawaiian.gifarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakesarticles made of paper snowflakes
Hexagonal snowflakes.
Шести угольные снежинки складываем и вырезаем.
Print your favorite six coal snowflake in the upper right corner (1), fold in the horizontal (1), after the bend at the top of linearization in the scheme (2). After the bend the back edge of the lining of the figure (3) after the bend on the central line shown in diagram (4) and embed all the dark areas (5). Gently open the folded paper and iron iron space curves (6). All our snowflake ready.
Paper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakesPaper snowflakes

Here are a few patterns:

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